

At Alberta Oil and Gas, we recognize that corporate governance is fundamental to the success of our business, and instrumental in generating long-term value for all our stakeholders.

Corporate Documents & By-Laws

Good business practices, transparency in corporate financial reporting, and strong corporate governance are essential components of our success.

Board & Committee Charters

We are committed to adopting effective and meaningful governance practices for all of our stakeholders, including the creation and development of various committees of the Board. Board Members participate in three standing committees: Audit; Governance, Compensation and Nomination; and Environment, Social, Governance/Health and Safety.

Code Of Conduct & Ethics

Our success is built on a foundation of integrity. As a company, we guide our conduct by the highest standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behavior. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics sets the standard for our workplace behaviour. We expect everyone who works on our behalf, our employees, contractors and our Board, to follow this Code.

Ethics Line

When concerns about integrity arise, we want to hear about them. We work hard to build an open-door culture where employees can express their concerns without fear of retaliation. Employees are encouraged to bring any concerns to their managers or any other senior leader within the company. Our Ethics line provides an anonymous and confidential toll-free number for employees, contractors and others to call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1-888-475-0595 or report online 


Our corporate policies outline the expectations we have of our employees and contractors.


Companies in the Oil and Gas industry own and manage major pieces of critical infrastructure that are vital not only to company operations but also to the nation’s economic and well-being. Upstream, midstream and downstream operations are valuable targets for cyber threats from adversaries with a variety of motives, from personal profit to industrial espionage to economic disruption.

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