Edmonton Terminal

Our Edmonton Terminal is strategically positioned at a major Canadian oil export hub with approximately 1.7 million barrels of storage and rail loading capabilities.

Well Connected For Aggregating & Exporting Products

Our Edmonton Terminal offers customers flexibility in getting crude oil, liquids and refined products to high-value markets through our manifest rail loading with service from both major rail networks. 

Essential Location

Our terminal is strategically connected to “Pipeline Alley”, one of the key energy transportation hubs in Canada, as well as two major refineries and the origination point of two major egress pipelines. 

Energizing Connectivity For A Better Tomorrow

In 2022, Alberta Oil AND Gas completed construction of our Biofuels Blending Project at the Edmonton Terminal, which added infrastructure to facilitate the storage, blending and transportation of renewable diesel. Beyond existing infrastructure, the Edmonton Terminal has land capacity for up to 1.7M barrels of tankage to support future energy projects and builds.

2 Pipeline

egress points and 2 refineries strategically located for optimal connections

1.7 Million

barrels of storage capacity available at our Edmonton Facility

24/7 Lab

service is offered on-site, providing accurate, repeatable and timely analysis